Recent Experience


  • NodeJS
  • Perl
  • Lua
  • API Development
  • REST
  • JSON


  • Responsive Web Design
  • Progressive Enhancement

Web Development

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery and jQuery Mobile
  • minifield.js
  • Express framework
  • Handlebars.js templating
  • HTML::Template
  • Mustache
  • Supports IndieWeb concepts, such as Microformats, IndieAuth, Webmention, and MicroPub


  • Textile
  • Markdown/MultiMarkdown
  • Jekyll
  • Homegrown CMS apps
  • Content that’s read by Alexa on Amazon Echo smart home speaker

Operating Systems

  • Linux


  • Nginx
  • MySQL
  • CouchDB
  • Eleasticsearch
  • Memcached
  • Redis

Web Hosting

  • Shared Servers
  • Digital Ocean Droplet
  • GitHub Pages
  • Amazon Web Services
    • Route 53
    • EC2
    • S3
    • CloudFront
  • SSL Security with StartSSL and Let’s Encrypt

Other Experience

In the past, I worked as a computer systems administer and programmer at a market research company where I managed Unix and Vax/VMS systems, and I created utilities and web apps.

I have older experience with programming languages, such as C, Java, TCL, shell, and DCL. My web projects used Microsoft and Oracle databases.

From late-May 2008 to mid-November 2012, I worked in the education area at the Black Swamp Bird Observatory, which is a tiny non-profit, located along Lake Erie about 30 minutes east of Toledo.

At the BSBO, I created and maintained the website for the Ohio Young Birders Club. I wrote content, and I edited content, created by students and adults.

The OYBC website that I created has been replaced, and unfortunately, the content is gone too. Sample page from - Feb 2012 (not mobile-friendly)